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Nová role - Porcelain stop


The new „Porcelain stop" – entrance gate for already existing Visitor centre, was opened in the Porcelain manufacture Thun 1794 in Nová Role on 2 December 2015. The company Thun 1794 a.s. extended the tour for visitors due to higher demand for new exhibition. This new exhibition describes „The story of porcelain"– technological process of porcelain production from main raw material – kaolin - processing to the final product. Visitors also have the possibility to have some refreshment in our restaurant or buy our products in factory shop.


Opening hours

Visitor centerExposition
"Porcelain story"
Factory tourPorcelain
Restaurant "Kantýna"Factory
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 15:00 * For individual visitors
Reservation required for
Groups over 5 people
10:30 - 12:30 9:00 - 16:30
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00 Reservation CLOSED 9:00 - 12:00
Sunday                                            CLOSED

Admission fee

Entrance fee in CZKExhibition Porcelain StoryFactory tourPorcelain nursery
Admission Free without a guide 140 CZK 60 CZK
Reduced admission (pupils, students) 60 CZK 60 CZK
Family ticket
(2 adults + children)
320 CZK 60 CZK/person

Contact data

Name: Návštěvnické centrum

Address: Tovární 242, 362 25 Nová Role

Phone: 353 410 359




Virtuální infocentrum Karlovy Vary

Habrová 1445
363 01 Ostrov

Tel.: +420 773 378 559